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Ucraina-Russia, Putin richiede il pagamento del gas in rubli ai Paesi ostili

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La Russia ha annunciato l’apertura di nuovo corridoio umanitario, intanto sono giunte notizie sulla confisca di 14 tonnellate di cibo e medicinali destinati ai civili di Melitopol per mano delle truppe russe. Oggi riprendono i negoziati di pace tra Mosca e Kiev.

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Ucraina-Russia, iniziati i negoziati a Istanbul

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Da stamattina sono ripresi i negoziati tra Mosca e Kiev a Istanbul. Zelenskyy ha aperto allo status di neutralità dell’Ucraina, secondo il Financial Time la Russa lascerebbe che Kiev aderisca all’Unione Europea a patto che militarmente non si allinei. Intanto il Cremlino precisa di non voler usare le armi nucleari né per attaccare l’Ucraina e né i Paesi Nato.

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Ucraina-Russia, Putin annuncia il riconoscimento delle repubbliche separatiste di Donetsk e Lugansk

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Ieri il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha annunciato, in diretta televisiva, il riconoscimento dell’indipendenza delle autoproclamate repubbliche separatiste di Donetsk e Lugansk, ordinando successivamente l’invio delle truppe nella regione del Donbass con lo scopo, secondo quanto fa sapere il Cremlino, di “assicurare la pace”.

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Meeting Biden – Putin: dialogue goal

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The Russian president and his American counterpart will make a decision on the return of ambassadors, respectively in Moscow and Washington, to the Geneva summit. “Ambassadors participate in negotiations on both sides, they are members of official delegations. They have been away from their main place of work for several months now and, of course, the presidents should make a decision today on the future of the heads of diplomatic missions,” Peskov said in an interview with First Channel, picked up by Interfax.

Then there are the flagship issues, indispensable for reasons of values and potability of the respective public opinions. Human rights, for example. With Alexei Navalny languishing in jail and an increasingly suffocating grip on the opposition’s ability to operate and freedom of information. Or, on the Russian side, the great betrayal of the West, which promised – says Putin – not to move NATO’s borders eastward anymore and then did exactly the opposite.  It will take time. Meanwhile, at the end of the summit, there will be no joint press conference but separate statements to journalists. And according to the Kremlin, the choice comes from the Americans. In short, beyond the pre-match folklore, the clues lead to a clear objective: however minimal, results are needed. Even the announcement of a second meeting – that is, the start of a path – would be an extraordinary thing.

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