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Ucraina-Russia, Papa Francesco pronto ad incontrare Putin

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Questa mattina è attesa la ripresa dell’evacuazione dei civili di Mariupol. Nella serata di ieri sono stati fatti fuggire dall’acciaieria Azovstal i primi cittadini ucraini, in direzione della città di Zaporizhzhia, ma sembrerebbe che all’interno della struttura siano presenti ancora 200 persone.

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Johnson calls for reopening ‘cautious but irreversible’

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With the number of vaccinated people on the rise and the number of coronavirus deaths plummeting, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is preparing to announce the ‘free-for-all’, or almost free-all. From 17 May, people in the UK will be able to hug each other again and will be allowed to eat in pubs and restaurants in groups of up to six people or two families.

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